Use a Humanitarian Visa Lawyer To Explore Parole Visa Options

In many situations, it takes time to get proper permission and documentation to enter the United States. Someone who is facing persecution, trauma or other urgent issues that are a threat to their health or even their very life may not have time to go through this entire process. Related issues include urgent family situations or even medical emergencies. These individuals need to enter the United States as soon as possible.

To do so, they may use a humanitarian visa, which is also known as humanitarian parole. Here at Naimeh Salem & Associates PLLC, we have experienced humanitarian visa attorneys who can help this process go quickly and smoothly. We will assist you as you explore all of your options to enter the United States in an emergency, guiding you through each step that you need to take. We know that this can be complex and that you and your family need answers quickly, so that’s why you need to turn to us for our knowledge and dedication.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements?

Eligibility is determined by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Each case is unique, but these are the main factors they look at: The time constraints, if the individual will suffer significantly if they are not allowed into the United States, and if the rejection could harm their well-being moving forward.

Do Humanitarian Visas Impact Family Immigration?

Yes, if you’re looking to immigrate with your family, this can also have an impact on your family immigration options. You may need to explore urgent solutions for multiple family members. Or you may have one family member who has used a humanitarian visa, and you’re looking to reunite them with other family members. Legal guidance is absolutely necessary to keep your family safe and together.

Contact Us Today To Explore Your Options For Humanitarian Relief

Our humanitarian visa lawyers can help you with all of this and more, so do not hesitate to contact us today at 832-639-0312 or via email to schedule a consultation. From our office in Houston, we can help immigrants all over the nation and worldwide.